Packaging Manufacturer

About Packaging Manufacturer

This packaging manufacturer is a unique contract manufacturing company that is redefining the industry by offering full-turnkey services. They are a service provider first and a contract manufacturer second. They are a minority-owned business and a respected leader in technology and innovation, with over 800 employees, annual sales of over $100M, and five manufacturing facilities located throughout the United States. They also make an effort to purchase from minority-owned suppliers.

Their Problem


Their water treatment system malfunctioned when the heavy output pumps burned out. Because this system treats 5,000 gallons of waste water per day, a quick solution was needed so that the facility could continue to generate product and meet their customers’ strict product demands.

They also needed to avoid discharging water into the county sewer system to avoid paying hefty penalties to the county. The right TSDF facility had to be found that could handle 5,000 gallons per day and a 7-day pump schedule.

Lastly, due to the nature of the problem, overtime payroll and emergency disposal rates would potentially push their allocated budget beyond their expectations.


What IDR Did


Due to our relationships with several TSDF facilities, we are able to procure a favorable disposal schedule that fit their needs exactly.

Further investigation of the problem revealed that they needed additional disposal trucks that would be left on-site for standby issues that might arise from the disposal process.

We were able to implement a plan that called for 50,000 gallons of water that needed to be transported and disposed of in the same day.

Richard Espinosa
 “The relationships we have developed and our ability to act quickly saved our client loss of production time, emergency and transporter rate increases and the possibility of lost business.”

Richard Espinosa.   V.P. – IDR Environmental Services

The Outcome


Due to our relationships and ability to handle large emergency projects of this size, we were able to keep the client up and running without any disruption to their production lines. An additional truck was able to be placed on-site for the client to help with any issues that could have resulted from the broken pumps.

Since we were able to negotiate special rates for the client, they were able to get disposal rates far below the industry average disposal costs associated with this type of water disposal.

As a result of the low rates and the speed with which IDR was able to react, the client avoided emergency rates at the facility and the transporter.


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